Luke Lowe joins The Meliora Group
Date: Fri 29th July 2022Welcome Luke.
We recently welcomed Luke into The Meliora Group as CRM & Digital Marketing Manager to help bring together the digital marketing strategy across the group companies including CSP. Joining us from the IT sector where he was the CRM champion his job with us is to work on the digital parts of our marketing as well as implementing and maintaining our new CRM system. He has openly admitted to being a West Ham season ticket holder and a motorhead, though as a new dad he doesn’t get to enjoy them as much as he would like at the moment. Welcome to the team Luke! We’re thrilled to have you on board!
We asked Luke a few questions so you can get to know him and what he likes to do in his free time outside of work.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I’m a West Ham season ticket holder, so spend most of my weekends at the football. I’m a bit of a motorhead so attend car shows, motorsports and the occasional track day too. I’m also recently a first-time dad, to my 3 month old son, so I’m beginning to forget what spare time looks like.
Have you got any hidden talents?
If I have, they’re hidden very well.
Have you got a favourite quote / saying?
"I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul."
It’s the last two lines of a poem called Invictus by William Henley. I think it’s a good reminder to make things happen for yourself, rather than hoping it happens by chance.
What’s your favourite...
...singer/band: :I can’t choose one. Oasis, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, Royal Blood, Chase & Status, Eminem. The list goes on Drive
...TV Show:Sons of Anarchy Storyteller by Dave Grohl
If your best friend could describe you in 3 words, what do you think they would say?
Thoughtful, creative & funny
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