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Thank you Ascendancy!

Date: Thu 24th November 2016

CSP were delighted to hear that one of our new clients, Ascendancy Wealth Management, were so pleased with the products and the service they received from us.

Please read the comments from Ascendancy below:


‘We are a niche business with a demand for high quality print. We have our own in house designers, but finding a printer who can deliver the quality documents they design has been difficult. Previously we have worked with a number of small printers who have not been able to deliver the high quality literature that we would expect, for a competitive price. We have tried larger printers but typically the minimum order volumes are much more than we would need. We have worked with CSP on a number of projects including standard literature and more bespoke pieces. One project in particular required a high quality bespoke box to be created to house important legal documents, CSP delivered this beyond our expectation. To date we have found them competitive, reliable, accommodating and overall a great print partner.’


Thanks for the positive feedback and we look forward to working with you again soon.

Printed documents for Ascendancy


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